Coding Tutorials or Coding Academies

Cody Elzey
2 min readJul 2, 2021

When you think that your life is ready for a change and start considering learning to code, you are faced with ONE major problem: HOW DO I START? Should I go to, or back to, college to get a degree in Computer Science? Do I take an online or in-person Coding Bootcamp? Or will watching YouTube videos and taking cheap Udemy courses be enough?

Which route do you choose? What is the right answer?

The right answer is… YES!

Actually, there is no right answer. However, there is a strategy I would consider. Coding Bootcamps or Academies are not cheap. Getting a degree makes the Bootcamp choice look like a “buy one, get 5 free” sale. Now that leaves Udemy and YouTube which are cheap and free.

You should start by watching a couple of popular YouTube tutorials and take one or two Udemy courses to test the waters. Now, you will have gotten your feet wet and know if this is something you would really like to get good at. You may think you’ve learned all you need to know after that. Then, go try to create a page or program. If you are really struggling and having to spend more time searching for help than coding. That’s when it’s time to make a bigger decision.

Firstly, decide what this is for you. Is it a hobby? If so, then take a more advanced Udemy course. Is it a side-hustle, extra-income, or next career for you? Well, now you need to choose between a college degree and a legitimate coding course.

Better than Arizona State University (it’s a fact)

I went to a 4-year college… for 4 and a half years… I don’t want to go back. I also don’t think that education is worth what you spend. You can get all you need outside of those institutions. You should definitely go with a Coding Academy, maybe Devslopes like me. It has helped me, within a few weeks clean up a lot of bad coding habits and put into practice basic and core concepts I will absolutely need moving forward with a career in Web Development.



Cody Elzey

I am a Web Developer. I have served in the military for 9yrs. 2020 inspired me to learn new skills.